A. Internal billings must be charged to UMBC users via a PS journal entry (JE). External users should be billed through the UMBC Third-Party Billing department.
B. Service Units must create invoices for both internal and external users that are based upon measured and documented utilization (i.e., actual usage) that is properly authorized for the customer charged.
C. All billings will be at established approved rates. No goods or services may be provided at a discount or at no cost unless all internal users are charged the lowest rate. At no time will an external user be charged less than federal grants and other internal users.
D. The invoice should provide the user charged with the following information:
- Itemization of charges (including dates of service)
- Quantity
- Applicable rate(s)
E. Service units will create invoices at least monthly. At that time, invoices must be submitted to the Third-Party Billing department to bill external users and the service unit must process journal entries to bill internal users. Billing activity must be reconciled to the applicable general ledger and errors corrected within a reasonable timeframe.