Program Fin (Pfin)


The “Instruction” Pfin-  teaching and training activities, curriculum development, teaching for degree or non-degree.  This includes expenditures for all formally organized activities that are part of an institution’s instruction program carried out during the academic year.


“Special Instruction” – non-academic department performing training, or training provided by an external division. This Pfin also includes special sessions offered during the summer and other periods not common to the institution’s regular term.


“Research” –  activities involving the training of individuals in research techniques, inquiry, experiment, investigation.  Often using same physical location as other R&D Activities.  NSF Codes will be required for Research Projects, see NSF Science Codes:here.


“Public Service” – State funds to provide service to community and expenditures for activities that are established primarily to provide non-instructional services beneficial to individuals and groups external to the institution.


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“Academic Support” – support includes funds expended primarily to provide support services for the institution’s instruction program.  The program includes libraries, museums, educational media services, academic computing support and academic administration


“Student Services”- includes expenditures for offices of admissions and registrar and those activities whose primary purpose is to contribute to student emotional and physical well-being as well as intellectual, cultural and social development.  It includes counseling, career guidance, financial aid administration, student admissions, student records and student health services.





“Institutional Support” – provides for expenditures for executive management, fiscal operations, general administration, logistical services, administrative computing support, public relations, and public safety.





“Operation & Maintenance of Plant” –  includes expenditures for the operation and maintenance of the physical plant for State-supported programs.  Included in this program are physical plant administration, building maintenance, custodial services, utilities, landscape and grounds maintenance, and major repairs and renovations


“Auxiliary” – activity is a self-supporting entity which provides goods and services to students, faculty and staff.  Included in these services are residence halls, food services, college stores, and intercollegiate athletics, as well as support services directly related to these activities.

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“Scholarship 171” – payment to support students’ education, awarded on the basis of academic or other achievement.

“Fellowship 172” – selective awards granted to graduate students for academic excellence. Used to fund graduate study, scholarly work, or to provide professional development to an aspiring graduate student.