Chartstrings, including Program Fins (Pfin) are integrated with many areas, so when a College or Unit decides to modify the project chartstring, there are some steps to take.
Alternatively, you may have been contacted by VPR for the Research Prog Fin 021 on your Fund 1113 project.
- Open an RT Ticket RT Ticket for requesting the Pfin be changed from 021 Research to 011 Instruction [If not 011, select PFin from the list of Pfins HERE.]
- Payroll Preparer will need to update the funding Source for any positions to “New” PFin using online DBEs.
- Journals and Retros will **NOT** be necessary, as many of the amounts are small figures.
Reporting – REX Finance reports will show activity for both PFins. REX will stop displaying the “Old” PFin in the new Fiscal Year.
Updated November 15, 2021